Glen Farris absent...
III. Proclamations
2. United States Army Day. SGTMAJ Clifford Sevier, Sr, US Army (ret) accepted on behalf of the entire army who was unable to attend.
3. American Taekwondo Association Day. The ATA does a lot of community work, food drives, etc. All that AND they have time to fight pirates! Now that's what I call Real Ultimate Power!
1. Taekwondo practitioners are mammals.
2. Taekwondo practitioners fight ALL the time.
3. The purpose of the Taekwondo practitioner is to flip out and kill people.
And here's Mark Russo getting beaten up by a girl:
1. Finally, Pastor Joe from the AME church accepted a proclamation in honor of Juneteenth. Strangely, he was on the agenda first, but was moved to the back. Really, guys?
IV. Consent Agenda.
2 and 3 pulled.
Cliff Sevier had to abstain for some minutes approval and
David Sweet pulled item 3 for clarification of what exactly an "Automated Weather Observing System" being installed at the airport is. I looked it up, turns out its a system used to observe the weather. And it's automated.
V. Appointments.
1. P&Z chair spoke about some things that would come up again later in the public hearing section.
2. Fella wants to build a fence without having to sign a paper that reinforces the cities position about building on an easement. (FYI, you can do it like this guy will, but it's better if you don't.)
He won't have to sign and can now build his fence.
VI. Public Hearing Items.
1. Some guy wants to build a shed bigger than allowed by the city to store his mother-in-law and a car. Then he disappeared. Motion to move to later on passed, but he never reappeared.
2. Lady wants to change the zoning at the old photo studio near the post office so she can open a party barn and wedding boutique. It will also have marriage counseling, and a photo studio. The change in zoning was to accommodate a banquet hall. Margo Nielsen made motion to approve and Mark Russo PROUDLY seconded.
3. Two nurses with nearly 20 years experience wanted to open an adult day care in a home between another home and a children's day care under construction on the very busy SH-205.
The couple made a very convincing case, but there were many valid objections from the council and residents:
"Have you ever run a business?"
"Why Rockwall?"
"Will you cook for them?"
"Why not near the medical corridor?"
"What will you do if there is an emergency?"
"How will you stop old people from running in the street?"
"What about outside lights?"
"Will you save the trees?"
"What about the sex offender nearby?"
"How will the old people get there?"
"How is it we know more than you and we don't know anything?"
"What the hell is wrong with these nuts?"
Oops, that last one was what I think the applicants were thinking.
A Mr. Whybull then spoke. He supported this. He spoke of property rights and the private sector taking care of a need. Many of the concerns brought up are the concern of the state regulating industry. Mr Whybull also spoke against what he saw as democratizing business and the council getting into the realm of the city approving business plans.
Another man, J White, spoke in favor. He mentioned his wife had run many day cares, and that none were near a medical center. Which was ok, because we have 911.
The nearby child day care center is not near a medical center, but council had no objections?
David Sweet suggested that somewhere else could be better? Matt Scott believes the city does have the rightto decide what businesses can go where without comparing an adult day care to a sex shop. Mark Russo believes the adult day care center would encroach on the freedom of the neighbors.
VII. Action Items.
1. Hubbard Chamber Music Series lost some donor or something and they would like the city to donate $2000.00 to make up for it out of hotel/motel tax money. I don't know if the city regularly sponsors, but I checked the website and the city was not listed as a sponsor. I'm sure after 2k of tax dollars are given the City of Rockwall will be added to that list. Also, if you would like to hear them and see where your Rockwall tax money is going, they are playing in Heath, at least I think so. Can't find any info on the website: Hubbard Chamber Music Series.
2. Subcommittees. What are they good for? Absolutely somethin'. Lots of subcommittees. Too many? Not enough? Should we keep em or disband em? Keep some? Lose all? Make em longer term? Make em short term? Margo Nielsen made a motion and David Sweet with 80% understanding of that motion seconded.
3. 3 guys who didn't speak other than introducing themselves were there to get some money to some kind of study or something for some road or grading or something. Planned Development District 32. Look it up.
4. Talk about the HOA reform bill aka the "I moved into an HOA and found out it sucks" bill. It didn't pass in the state legislature. According to Matt Scott it failed because some guy in Houston gave Dr Bob Deuelle (our state Senator) lots of campaign money. After more bashing of Dr Deuell, the item closed without action.