Or the least worst depending on your level of cynicism.
Yesterday at 5pm was the filing deadline for the May 14th election for city council.
I filed for Place 1.
Pretty full slate this year - 3 people have filed for each of the three open seats and 3 have filed for Mayor.
Quick brief on me:
My family moved to Rockwall in 1987 when I was a wee lad (slang used in honor of St Patrick's Day tomorrow) of 12 years old. I graduated from Rockwall High in 1993 - way back when everyone in every school was a Yellow Jacket. Much of my family still lives in town - my parents, my sister (1996 RHS Grad) and her family, and my cousin (1994 RHS Grad) and her family.
Our business,
Rockwall Controls, is located in Rockwall and has been for 25 years.
Needless to say, I spend most of my time in Rockwall. I want Rockwall to be the greatest city it can be.
It will achieve this not by the actions one person, nor has it been a great city because of the actions one person or of city councils - past or present. Rockwall is a great city because of the people who live here who want Rockwall to be a great city.
Government action is government interference. This extends from what goes on in your home, your neighborhood, or local businesses. One of the great dangers we face from government action is the Law of Unintended Consequences. Meddling into affairs of which one is not expert or educated always creates consequences that often do more harm than good.
Government at all levels has perfected this.
Who knows more about your neighborhood? You or city council?
Who knows what's best for your business? You or city council?
Who knows what's best for Rockwall? You or city council?
There has been far too much disconnect between council and citizens. Much of which is council induced. Opinions counter to what council believes are not welcomed. Hostility to differing views has been common. Citizens are expected to be cheerleaders to government - not the coach.
I have been repeatedly accused of spreading "misinformation" on countless occasions. I spread "information" that was given. Any "mis" part was the fault of council not producing the information either willfully or negligently.
Rockwall needs open government that is truly representative of the citizens of Rockwall. Council's number one job is to be us. Their job is to protect our rights, our property, and our taxes from the machine designed to rob us of our rights, property, and taxes.
Rockwall is not business friendly. You will hear from some that it is. Ask a business person. Ask a business that has tried to open here. Ask a business that is here and needs to make changes.
I have witnessed meddling and micromanaging of million and billion dollar companies wishing to do business in Rockwall. Was the goal to make citizens' lives better? No. Was the goal to give the business the best opportunity to be prosperous? No.
Nitpicking and meddling in business was done because one or more persons serving "don't like" some aspect of the business.
Example: Ice machines, propane, or Red Box offend one of our officials, so a business must do without in order to jump through a hoop to have the chance to operate in Rockwall. Heck, just read the sign ordinance for a taste of business hostility.
Good businesses are good for the citizens. Sales taxes make it possible to have good services without having to pay for services solely through fees or high property taxes.
Without a good business environment, you either give up services or you pay high property taxes.
And what to do with those taxes? First and foremost, provide essential services: police, fire, roads, water, sewer. These are priorities.
But debt is the real priority. Debt must be paid. Debt obligations carry a moral, ethical, and legal requirement to be paid.
In a budget crisis, no one every says, "Well, lets stop paying the debt, that would solve our deficit!". You can't
not pay debt! (Apologies for the grammar.) Having the ability via a good credit rating to borrow makes it possible to buy large
needed projects like police stations or fire stations.
Large debt comes with large risk. But in most cases almost everyone can agree that the risk is worth it - roads, police stations, etc.
However, in many cases there is disagreement over the debt risk and the reason for the debt.
We will have a very large bond package in November - somewhere between $25 -$60 million depending on with whom you talk. None of the items are for what I have described as priorities for citizens. All are for recreational desires.
We need a council and councilmen who will be good stewards of the bond money if it passes.
On the issuance of debt or general fund budgeting Rockwall must be fiscally responsible.
We must also be realistic when it comes to forecasting the tax income. A rosy picture is painted by many who believe Rockwall is immune to those problems facing the Federal government, the State government, the County government, and the School District, and most municipal governments.
Rockwall is not immune.
That is not to paint a picture of doom and gloom. But, rather the viewpoint that council must be
realistic in planning for the future.
I have no hidden agenda. I have no pet projects I want done. No one has put me up to run. I have no ties to city boards or commissions. The Republican Party of Rockwall (of which I am the treasurer) does not trump my allegiance to the citizens of Rockwall.
My loyalty always lies with the citizens of Rockwall and I will always take the position of a citizen and advocate for the citizen - not the "government".
Council represents the people, the bureaucracy represents the government.
I will always represent the people.