Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Signs, signs, everywhere it's asinine

On more than more occasion the staff has bragged to council when presenting codes that they are following other cities and/or copying the wording of code enforcement and ordinance.

Let's be like other cities!

The city is on a mission to keep Rockwall from becoming "something bad and mysterious" that is apparently caused by businesses advertising. I have yet to hear from council or staff exactly what it is they are protecting Rockwall from by creating very restrictive sign ordinances.

Increased revenue for the city coffers?

Should Rockwall really be emulating other cities? Is this a sign that other cities are doing things better than Rockwall? I live in Rockwall, and have done so for the last 23 years, because I like Rockwall. If I wanted to live in some crap fest like Plano or Dallas, I would. If you like what other cities are doing, go there if you think it's better. Don't bring it to Rockwall.

Prosperous business is good for the city. That is not a complicated concept.

Signs increasethe chance for a business to prosper. How can this be so??? Because people can find things.

The city may be the worst offender regarding signs. What's the biggest "sign" in the city? The water tower?

How many of those awful pole signs has the city installed over the last 150+ years? How many intersections are there?

Why hasn't the city mandated "monument" signs instead of pole signs for street signs? Answer: because it makes it easier to find things. What a concept.

The city puts up banner signs at several major roadway intersections. No problem. If you have a business that does that in front of your business? Problem.

The city doesn't like your company vehicle with advertising on it where it can be seen, yet the city does so with all of the city's own vehicles!

If those on council are so against "sign clutter", why do they put up their own campaign signs for 2 months? Should they not lead by example? If our most "anti-sign because internet is the best way to market" councilman runs for re-election next year, will he put up signs if he gets an opponent or rely on internet marketing?

Rockwall is the best place to live and work.

Dallas is corrupt and broke and falling apart. Let's not "copy" Dallas (or any other place).

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