Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Rockwall City Council 19 April

III. Proclamations.

1. The Rockwall Youth Advisory Council (YAC) presented to the Rockwall County Library a giant check for around 300 bucks to buy some environmental books. How many trees were killed and how many CFS were produced for this endeavor? It's the show that counts.

IV. Consent Agenda.

4 items, all pulled.

1. Minutes. Passed

2. 2nd reading for the SUP of the greatest 7-11 ever. Passed 5-2, Matt Scott and David Sweet opposed this generator of sales and property taxes and soon-to-be local employer.

3. Replat of some lot on Ralph Hall. David Sweet opposed, not sure if he said why.

4. After-the-fact approval of a front yard fence. Passed 7-0

V. Appointments.

1. P&Z Vice Chairman Herbst reported the vote on the upcoming public hearing. Passed P&Z 3-2.

2. YAC kids presented their green report and passed out some paper (!) handouts.

The objective of their project was to get the community to "go green". Not sure if they succeeded yet.

Part of the project included a display at the library with solar powered light. (Let that sink in for a minute.)

Paper (!) awards were given out to the kids with comments and praise from the mayor and Councilman Farris. (Glen noted his resume wasn't as good as "these kids". I know my resume is at least slightly better than high school kids. Logically, Glen is saying my resume is better than his! And if he is "qualified" to be on council based on his resume, I guess that means I am too, despite what some have said on certain internet forums! Thanks, Glen!)

Glen also noted this was the best group ever. Take that last year kids!

3. Independent financial report of city. Fella says we doing ok, but cautions that we be in a "W" recession and haven't hit the 2nd drop yet. Whatever, lets spend ridiculous amounts of money!! What's some "finance" joker know anyway.

4. Some guy is having problems forcing his neighbor to do whatever the guy wants his neighbor to do. Constantly calls code enforcement on his neighbor, who in turn (supposedly) reported him to the cops and the cops had the complainer under surveillance for secret reasons!

The Mayor stated that all the complaints had been addressed and compliance from the neighbor had been achieved. The man then stated that the forms may be falsified.

He also mentioned that he had signed for his neighbor's certified letters and then placed them into the neighbor's mailbox.

He then suggested the city eminent domain the neighbor's property and make it a park!


VI. Public Hearings.

1. Christian Brothers.

Basically, everyone who spoke wants Christian Brothers Auto repair in Rockwall, but not in Rockwall. Christian Brothers will soon be applying for an SUP to install a quantum tear in the fabric of the universe to open in Rockwall.

Speaker 1: Opposes because it is a "gateway to the hospital district".The first time opposition was because the first site was a "gateway to the city".

Speaker 2: Represents former owner of the land and supports because it will produce tax revenue and is a good fit for the area.

Speaker 3: Real estate broker that brought CB to the site. Was also responsible for bringing in many of the other business in this Planned Development District (PD-9). PD-9 encourages "mixed use" not just medical.

Speaker 4: Guy from secret cove neighborhood noted that his neighborhood "accepted" the hospital into the area (wasn't that nice of him!) He then spent 10 minutes randomly saying words before finally stating he would like to talk about the 7-11 (which is a done deal) as he didn't get a chance to oppose it at one of the multiple public hearings held over the last few months. (I may have added that last part.)

Speaker 5: Representative of the owner of the lot adjacent to the south opposes.

Speaker 6: A neighbor from the Fox Chase neighborhood supports it! She said if she worked in one of the nearby buildings it would be nice and convenient to have something like that close to work.

Speaker 7: Representative of the owner of the lot adjacent to the west opposes. He also thought the city would spend 100% of it's resources constantly watching over the day-to-day activities of the place to ensure compliance with the SUP.

Speaker 8: Owner of competition. Opposed.

Speaker 9: Representative of the hospital opposes.

Speaker 10: A different competitor who thinks it impossible to fit that building onto the land. (Hello! Quantum tear in the universe ring a bell??)

David Sweet opposes because all the land owners around oppose.

Matt Scott opposes because he says it is not the best use of the land. (Does that imply an empty lot is a better use of the land?)

Margo Nielsen supports as the land has been vacant for 5 years and no medical has been developed. Bird in the hand? Yes.

Mayor Cecil opposes, says it is no good next to a medical facility.

Glen Farris noted that another local auto repair business got council support when they wanted to go where that business it "wouldn't fit". He supports the SUP also stating no medical use had been developed for that spot.

Mark Russo opposed, agreeing with others that it "didn't fit".

Christian Brothers denied (again) 5-2.

The Christian Brother's representative then asked where would the city like them to open??? Fingers were then inserted into ears and loud humming commenced.

2. A guy wants to move his fence a couple feet out from it's exiting spot on the side of his home. Of course, government made this a difficult task because if you live on a corner you have 2 "front" yards. This made his fence request technically a front yard fence request requiring council's blessing.

The public hearing was open, no one chose to speak, and then the public hearing was CLOSED.

But, some lady decided she didn't understand what the heck anyone was talking about, so the public hearing was reopened. Didn't realize that was allowed.

After 3 hours of explaining what was the plan with the fence, the lady gave her blessing (not that it was needed...) and council allowed the fence by a vote of 5-0 (Matt Scott left and Mark Russo recused himself.)

V. Action Items.

1. Consideration of city wide banning of free newspapers and flyers to homes and other locations tabled for the second time.

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