IV. Consent Agenda.
1. Pulled by Councilman Scott, minutes approval for meeting he missed. Passed 6-0-1.
2. Police buying new vehicles: 5 Crown Victorias and 2 Chevy Tahoes at a cost of $175,000.
3. Fake drug K2 banned, as well as God's mistake, Salvia Divinorum.
4. Councilman Sevier asked about the seemingly endless supply of money from the 2005, this time for a drainage project. Turns out it will run out some day. (Then you just pass another one, so technically it is endless.)
5. Same as #4.
6. Mayor Pro Tem Farris opposes allowing Walgreens to have anything displayed outside, including propane. His extensive marketing background qualifies him as the expert on business needs of type of operation. Denying Walgreens even outside display of propane tanks is good for the city and the neighborhood. Hey, Glen, wanna really do something good for the city and neighborhood? Consider this:

Rest of council supported business (be still my heart), 6-1.
7. Basically, same thing as 6, but for 7-11 up north. Passes 6-1.
VII. Action Items.
2. Sign Variance for American National Bank at Horizon and Ridge Road. Passes 7-0 without Mayor Pro Tem (who hates signs) comments.
V. Appointments.
1. P&Z Chairman Phillip Herbst. Recommends (1) adding wineries and solar panels to Unified Development Code, (2) a minimum 60 day demolition delay in Old Town District or Historic Properties, like the Alamo, and (3) add pergolas to allowed structures on the takeline.
2. Guy has a house next the apartments being constructed on Yellow Jacket. He doesn't want the masonry wall that all parties (HOA, builder, and City) agreed to years ago to be built because too many trees would be removed in the construction process. He wants the city to alter the agreement and force the builder to install a tubular steel fence,
A representative from the HOA explained that they had done extensive research and employed a landscape architect to help find the best solution, which is the masonry wall.
Council retreats to executive session, probably to discuss getting their butts sued for changing the agreement with the apartment builder.
On the return, the item was tabled two weeks to see if one johnny-come-lately's problem could be resolved.
Councilman Sweet supported the tabling, but noted that 2 years ago this situation was concluded after a lot of time had been spent on it.
Mayor Cecil noted his love of HOA's and his desire to do what's best for the City, the HOA, and the residents - no mention of the apartment builder, I guess he can suck an egg.
3. Resident in Windmill Ridge (and friend of council) hates that CareFlight is flying over her house to Presbyterian Hospital and transporting dying patients to other hospitals. The life-saving helicopters are flying too low to her house and she claims have destroyed her roof and patio cover. She demanded to know why the heli-pad was not on the roof (because the hospital plans upward expansion) or closer to the emergency room (there wasn't enough clearance.)
She has made visits to hospital staff demanding answers, but left unsatisfied.
Staff explained they had contacted CareFlight and that weather is a main determinate to approach and landing.
Repeatedly, the Mayor expressed that CareFlight flying over her house on a life-saving mission is "unacceptable".
Mayor Pro Tem Farris wants an ordinance drafted to prevent helicopters from flying over residential neighborhoods.
I guess ol' Glen don't know nuthin' 'bout no dango FAA.
The City Attorney warned against the city creating an unenforceable ordinance. (Like that has stopped them before.)
Councilman Sweet, a muffin salesman and an expert in aircraft and flying, stated that weather is not a factor in flying.
Councilman Sevier wasn't confident the city had the authority to control air traffic.
Councilman Scott explained that the city and hospital have already had a lot of "give and take" with the hospital.
Mayor Cecil stated the ONLY answer is to create a "no fly zone" over Rockwall. We will also be changing our nickname from "The New Horizon" to "The Iraq of Texas".
Motion to have staff investigate interfering with CareFlight's ability to save lives passed 7-0.
4. Power point by city staff regarding streets.
-Some roads are good.
-Some need repair.
-Need some new equipment.
-Need some new personnel. (9 more by 2016)
-New roads need to be 2' wider to be like a few other cities.
-Need directional signs. (Councilman Sevier been pushing this with great resistance.)
-Mow the Right-Of-Ways.
-Start street sweeping downtown.
-Standardize street signs. (Will take years and $$$$)
-LED signs like Rowlett (Also $$$$)
-Start doing preventive maintenance.
-Permanently fix potholes.
-Increase number of warranty inspections of new roads.
VI. Public Hearings.
1. What P&Z presented in first appointment. Passed 6-1, Councilman Russo opposed.
2. Not discussed, will be continued to next meeting.
3-6. City annexation and 212 agreements.
First guy doesn't want to be annexed, city says. "Eat it."
Second lady accepts the inevitability of annexation, but wants to keep selling fireworks once she is annexed. Not gonna happen.
Annexing land is more addictive than K2. We should ban it.
VII. Action Items.
1. Ordinance about large, outdoor recycling containers. No permit needed to save the earth and make sure as few as possible see you doing it.
Mayor Pro Tem Farris asked about the process for dispute resolution about container placement.
The city will first discuss with you the problems they invented and then force compliance.
"2. Police buying new vehicles: 5 Crown Victorias and 2 Chevy Tahoes at a cost of $175,000."
ReplyDeleteSo this is why Rockwall has all the sudden become a speed trap; even for it's residents.