After many time-consuming jokes where the word "yak" was replaced for the word "YAC", the meeting was started.
III. Consent Agenda.
Councilman Russo pulled item 1 regarding minutes, passes 5-0-2.
Remaining pass 7-0.
IV. Appointments.
1. P&Z Chairman Herbst presented the most recent P&Z cases. Three weeks is too long for me to recall any details.
2. Archer's Care Care, that has been operating out of compliance and without an SUP, is back again to get his building legal.
Quick recap (as I understand it):
-About 3 years ago, Archer's had to move as the previous location was in the way of the widening of SH-205.
-Archer's moved to a building that required an SUP to accommodate the business on Washington St.
-An agreement was made that by the end of 2 years (the length of the SUP), Archer's would move to a new location or bring the building on Washington into compliance with the fire code, specifically, fire sprinklers.
-Some time after the end of the SUP, Archer's came back to the city and explained he could not afford to move, nor could he afford to install a fire sprinkler system. More time was given. (Essentially, the city turned a blind eye to compliance.)
-He could now comply by installing the sprinkler system at a cost of $16,500, but needs the city to foot the $5,000 bill for move the water line (for a tap) across the street to his shop and 6 months to complete the install.
Mayor Pro Tem Farris made a motion to spend the money and give the time for "his friend", but not because they are friends.
Councilman Scott asked about other beneficiaries from the city doing this.
Chief Poindexter: No one else.
Councilman Scott also asked if the city had done this for anyone else.
The Chief explained that during the downtown renovations, including water, the city added taps at buildings if the tenants decided to put in sprinklers, the taps would be available.
Councilman Sweet concurred with Mr Scott's concerns and added that he was "struggling" with the $5,000 gift to Archer's.
Councilmember Margo Nielsen noted that the building would still have to be zoned and what would happen if the zoning failed, that Mr Archer and the city would have spent money and not be able to reap the benefit.
Mr Farris stated that the city "should have known" that this building could some have a business that would require a sprinkler system and should have included it in the renovations the Chief mentioned. Bascially, the city is at fault for Archer's problem.
Mr Scott disagreed with Mr Farris assertion of an "oversight" and has a problem spending the $5,000.
(Repeat discussion.)
Asst Manager Crowley stated that the city has secret money tucked away for exactly this sort of thing.
Councilman Russo believed that this would provide "safety" to surrounding businesses and special treatment should be given as his friend Archer has been in Rockwall 30 years.
Councilman Sevier inquired about the magic money Mr Crowley has stashed.
The city has been setting aside money to give to businesses downtown to bribe them to come downtown.
Motion to gift $5,000 to Archer's and grant a 6 month SUP to comply passed 4-3.
Only Councilmembers Scott, Sweet, and Nielsen respected taxpayers' money on this issue.
3. Appointment with Connie Cannady, with J. Stowe & Co, LLC., to discuss the compliance review of cable services franchise fees, Public, Educational and Governmental fees, and selected other provisions of the Franchise Agreement between the City of Rockwall, Texas, and Charter
Communications, and take any action necessary.
It was even more boring than it sounded (like watching slow drying paint in slow-motion). Only thing that seemed relevant was the $31,000 owed to the city by Charter.
4. YAC kids showed a power point explaining their ideas for this year's project.
1st idea is a Senior (Citizens) Prom.
2nd idea is a recycling program.
Kids want to do the Prom.
Mr Russo objected to the idea of pretend gambling at a fake casino.
Mr Sweet made a joke about the City Manager's age.
V. Public Hearing Items.
1. Some change in Teen Curfew ordinance. No one on council thought anyone needed to know any details, passes 7-0 without discussion.
2. Rest Haven needs an SUP for a mausoleum. After some jokes and assorted stalling, passed 7-0.
3. Guy up in the Shores built a fence in his front yard and needs a variance to let him keep it.
Of the notices that went out to neighbors, 7 came back with 2 in support and 5 opposed.
Mr Farris opposed as it "doesn't fit the Shores, doesn't blend with the neighborhood, and sets bad precedent if allowed."
Mr Scott agreed with Mr Farris.
The owner stated his backyard was all concrete and his dogs won't defecate on concrete, only grass. (I'll bet a million bucks, given enough time the dogs WOULD "go" on concrete.)
Council made no motion, so the request was denied.
VI. Action Items.
2. Annexation! Passed 7-0.
3. Annexation, but excluding the fireworks stand! Passed 7-0.
1. Once again, discussion about streaming council meetings via the internet. Staff looked into what "other cities do" (because God forbid we do something unique and different than Frisco or Plano) and found that for the low price of $90,000 plus $795 per month, the city could be on the internets!! Finally!

Mr Farris balked at the cost and stated, as he has in multiple meeting previously, there were lots of free options with inexpensive hardware options available. Rockwall doesn't need an offsite director or editor or producer (no foolin') to handle the broadcast of council meetings.
Mr Russo concurred.
Motion to send it back to staff to come back with another ridiculously over-priced proposal passed 7-0.
4. Approval of the corridor plan for John King Blvd, aka the "Road to Nowhere".
Councilman Sevier asked if this would be at no cost to the city.
Mr LaCroix: There will be costs. (My notes said "These are just the costs the developer would incur, not sure what I meant, but it sounds like $$$$ going down John King Blvd.)
Passes 6-1, with Mr Sevier opposing.
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