Planet Rockwall, now.
III. Proclamations.
Buncha folks from the city took some classes dubbed "Rockwall University Leadership Program". Department heads and Hon Ralph Hall give a class in their expertise to educate employees bout what other employees are doing. The graduates got a plaque and some money.
"How much?", asked the Mayor.
"A Token.", came the reply.
Also, casserole ideas were traded and a list of the best "lil smokies" recipe was established for departmental parties:
1. Lil Smokies with Cattlemans
2. Lil Smokies with KC Masterpiece
3. Lil Smokies with Bull's Eye
4. Lil Smokies with Kraft BBQ Sauce
5. Lil Smokies with Great Value BBQ Sauce
IV. Open Forum.
1. Pastor Joe thanked the city for not destroying the heart and soul of the Southside Community and for the city's support of the Juneteenth celebration.
2. Sheriff Eavenson disguised as "Harold" said he would like the city to have a forum or discussion regarding the Shores Golf Course. And he has a gun. I said that, not "Harold". Not as a threat, just a reminder.
V. Consent Agenda.
1. Pulled by Glen (minutes from previous meeting) cuz he had better things to do than the people's business.
5. Pulled by Matt, who vocalized his plan to oppose this item. David also said he planned to vote in mere seconds in opposition. Passes 5-2. (Replatting of a lot for Comfort Inns, I think, over between Popeye's and Burger King, see P&Z notes if desired.)
Other stuff passed including someting about the city's water conservation plan. Is this for the city's water customers only or is everyone included, like those in my neighborhood who pay 3 times what the typical citizen pays for water that is not sold to us by the city?
VI. Appointments.
1. Chairman of P&Z was first which was irrelevant as he was absent from previous P&Z and everything he would discuss was passsed during consent agenda.
2. P&Z chairman again, only this time as a normal person (Well, . He wants the city to relax (I think) or change the ordinance regarding signs that point to things like new homes being built in subdivisions to allow four per new subdivision and not one for each developer in each new subdivision and existing subdivisions and other real estate type signs would not be included unless they are and would only be displayed from Friday night to Sunday night and would be big and metal and simple and straightforward and cheap signs would not be allowed like those use for garage sales and such.
City will investigate.
3. Speed Fab almost done with the fire stations. #3 was vandalized by kids, but no one saw them, but it was surely kids because what and how it was vandalized could only have been done by kids.
VII. Public Hearings.
1. Big Shed Guy is back.
Glen wanted to know if he consulted with his HOA.
Mr LaCroix explained that find finding out if people consulted with their HOA ain't his business. (OK?!?)
Interestingly, Mayor Cecil closed the public hearing before hearing from the applicant (His representative in the case). First time I'd seen that. (Illuminati?)
Whatever, Big Shed will be built, so says the council 7-0.
2. Some guy wants a fence bigger'n what's in the ordinance. City staff has no problem. Mayor Cecil called and talked to applicant, then opened public hearing. Ok'd 7-0
3. City blah blah tax exempt blah blah something about refinancing or something. 7-0 (Action item #5 included in this)
VIII. Action Items.
2. More parking needed at the Harbor. Rob Whittle the developer would like (probably or definitely?) the city to provide or pay for more parking spaces or alternatives. The attendance at the Concerts by the Lake is overwhelming the parking available to customers of the harbor. Can the co-owners please find somewhere else for
their customers to park? It's also been hurting some of the businesses at the Harbor for Thursday night business. Some have better nights though.
Averaging 4500 a night this year (5000 was highest attendance).
Cliff makes a great point that the city has spent plenty money on the harbor and cannot support spending more.
Other options:
1. Park and ride at Lake Pointe Church. $800 a night to move 160 per hour, about 320 per night.
2. Move concerts to Tuesdays.
3. Park on Summer Lee, then jaywalk across the street to the show. (Get cops to patrol and ticket jaywalkers! Cha-ching!)
4. Rob Whittle builds a parking garage (my suggestion).
7-0 gets staff to look into it.
1. Cliff wants better a record of executive sessions like a recording or at least better notes. That way if they ever have to reference in the future the ongoings at an executive session, they can get exact info.
Glen worried about haxxorz getting the audio.
Matt flat out opposed.
Margo wanted to know what other cities do.
Cliff did his homework (as always) and believes this is doable. I did a little, too and found from the open records act available at the
Texas Attorney General's website:
§ 551.103. Certified Agenda or Tape Recording Required
(a) A governmental body shall either keep a certified agenda or make a tape recording of the
proceedings of each closed meeting, except for a private consultation permitted under Section
(§ 551.071. Consultation With Attorney; Closed Meeting
A governmental body may not conduct a private consultation with its attorney except:
(1) when the governmental body seeks the advice of its attorney about:
(A) pending or contemplated litigation; or
(B) a settlement offer; or
(2) on a matter in which the duty of the attorney to the governmental body under the Texas
Disciplinary Rules of Professional Conduct of the State Bar of Texas clearly conflicts
with this chapter.)§ 551.104. Certified Agenda or Tape; Preservation; Disclosure
(a) A governmental body shall preserve the certified agenda or tape recording of a closed meeting for at least two years after the date of the meeting. If an action involving the meeting is brought within that period, the governmental body shall preserve the certified agenda or tape while the action is pending.
Recording sounds reasonable and legal.
6-1 keeps staff looking into it?
3. Glen: Memba that hippy kid who wanted to tear it up on his scooter but couldn't?
The Youth Advisory Council heard the plea and these are their recommendations regarding youths on motor scooters (not the real ones):
-No age restrictions
-No required insurance(bicyclists don't have)
-Limit from 30 minutes after dawn to 30 minutes before dusk
-25 mph max
-No flag (bicyclists also don't have)
-Follow all traffic laws that bicyclists follow
No action at this time.
4. Lots of subcommittees. Some think that subcommittees are the "bomb" and others would like to some some "kicked to the curb".
Truth is, I wrote tons of notes during this discussion which seemed to go on for days. I attempted to write about it, but the option arose to get hit in the face with a cast iron skillet. I chose the more pleasant option and end with a summary:
Some subcommittees got killed, others didn't.
6. "
Discuss and consider approval of a resolution directing publication of a notice of intent to issue Certificates of Obligation, resolving other matters relating to the subject and take any action necessary." (Getting late, then and now)
7. Chief Moeller wants 3 retired cop cars available to the Rockwall Citizen Police Academy Alumni Association (CPAAA) that can be used during their volunteer duties. Parades and such?
No, citizen patrols. Also, he would like funds for a special camera than can be used on the cars whcih automatically reads license plates and checks the plates to a registry of stolen vehicles.
My 4th amendment-sense is tingling! But, I was informed by a top SMU law student that it has been determined that "a) you have no expectation of privacy for something you display in public and b) the search of information about a license plate does not rise to the level of searching house, person, papers, car."
I feel much better now. Besides, you know what they say, "If you don't have anyting to hide, you don't have anyting to worry about!"
Liberty sucks anyway.
IX. City Manager's Report.
1. Fire Chief said some things. Then we found out that city will have enough sales tax revenue to meet budget, but collected fees won't. Time for a rate hike!
Here's me unsuccessfully trying to lift the governor's wallet:
Attention Texas Rangers and/or DPS. The preceding statement is 100% untrue and is intended as a humorous excuse for such a lousy picture. At no time was the governor's wallet in any danger of being "lifted".