NFPA Safe Community Awarded for kids having learned that everything they love is dangerous: bikes, fire, guns, poison, etc. Apparently written by Tolstoy.
The city of Rockwall gives out FREE (Yes, Ben, I said free.) smoke detectors at the fire stations. They will even install them!
IV. Consent Agenda.
1. Minutes
2. Mother-in-Law Storage approval
3. Approval of a bid ($$)
4. Atmos something or other.
All approved.
V. Appointments. Commissioner Herbst, sitting in for Chairman Bricker, says nothing.
VI. Public Hearings.
1. Guy turning 3 lots into 1. No public spoke. Approved by council.
2. Hair Salon thingy. Limit to 1 chair. Public Silent. Approved.
3. Solar Panels! Basically:
Glen hearts solar panels.
Cliff believes no one (other than owner) should have issues of aesthetics regarding one's own home.
Mark wants an update in the future.
The home owner is getting a write-off and Oncor money to off-set the costs, and expects a 5 year payback on his 4kw system.
I was sorely disappointed the council missed such a grand opportunity to ask ridiculous questions. Passes with almost no discussion!
VII. Action Items.
Items 1 & 6 regarding parking on unpaved surface and fences moved to next meeting. Weird how things that would so greatly impact the Zoo keep coming up after not being an issue during the previous 150+ years since Rockwall's founding.
2. City water restrictions something or other on people who pay for city water. (I assume it for city water customers, because I don't get city water and would find it downright tyrannical if the city tried to impose it's restrictions on non-customers like those of the Zoo, 95% of whom thought we would be getting a cheaper water rate once annexed, as that was all they really cared about. $150.00 this month for a house <1000sqft.) style="color: rgb(102, 102, 102);" size="1">(The items from here to #11 had to be re-written as something got ate up like a soup sandwich, hope I can recreate. I am quite irritated now.)
3. Area in danger of being annexed had an agreement not to develop in exchange they don't get annexed. Extended for another year.
4. Same as 3, different area.
5. City about to get "all up in the Shores Golf Course" business. Public forum will be held so questions can be asked. Questions like, "Why does the city have authority over a private golf course?" and "Why isn't this a concern of anyone other than members?".
7. Main Street Rib Rub. BBBQ competition and stuff.
(Irritation level growing, as I have written so much on all this before!)
8. More main street stuff.
Money being doled out for private businesses to update signage.
Other things:
-San Jacinto Court (Harbor competition?)
-Directional kiosks for those with myopia and neck problems to find things on square
-Sidewalk repairs
-Dog Days Event
9. Sign thing moved to next meeting.
10. David presents best idea of night! Broadcasting of city council meetings. 2 years ago city had an estimated cost of $85,000. Thank God technology has come so far with the recent invention of the "internet" and "web cams"!
Of course, this isn't nearly complicated or expensive enough for a bureaucrat to consider! After all, the peoples' money won't overspend its self!
It's not like you can go to Wal-Mart and get some cheap web cam off the shelf! Further, it's a very compicated procedure to set it up that requires a brilliant IT company's technician to install! Not just ANYBODY can do it!
(irritation back to normal levels)
11. In case you haven't heard, Family Circle has declared Rockwall one of the top 10 places to raise a family! And the city wants the world to know!
12. 2 residents have complained to the city about teenagers hanging out at the Harbor overflow parking lot.
Reports of wheelies (!), loud talking, illegal drinking, hood surfing, trucks driving on a road, and reckless driving on the street.
Police have been out many times without issuing any citations or finding any wrongdoing. Some are worried about "logging" a complaint as it will lower their property value.
Cliff and Bill would consider a restriction of times of use.
Margo points out that there have been no offenses, and this could lead those hanging out at the lot to move someplace else!
Julie believes that kids do need a place to hang out, but some place they could be monitored and not near residences! Of the 2 people that have spoken to Julie, one spoke for all other residents who haven't called anyone in the city.
Glen reinforces there is no place for kids to go and wondered if the parking hour restrictions would lead to a conflict if the hotel had conventioneers or similar that needed the parking lot.
Chief Moeller finished by pointing out there have been no curfew violations.
Early dismissal - 2034!
Fabulous. 'Bout 8 years now I've been sitting around waiting for the city to start handing those things out. I'll get Mary to take her big purse.
ReplyDeleteWhat bothers me, though, is this Cliff guy. Who in the cornbread heck does he think he is, acting like the owner is the only one who should have any say in the way his house looks? Somebody should tell him that the city keeps strip clubs and sex shops out, so that means they should regulate everything else, too. Or should we keep that argument holstered until the Vile Monster Free Enterprise rears its ugly head? Either way, that Cliff guy might be on his way to the Bad For Rockwall list.
What do you expect from a 30-year GOVERNMENT employee??? HAHAHA!!!