Wednesday, March 10, 2010
Banning and No-ing Commission.
Planning and Zoning a public hearing for a proposed 7-11. An SUP is needed for "retail store with gasoline product sales with more than 2 dispensers". 7-11 would like to install 6 pumps.
I clarify: 7-11 needs an SUP to get more pumps than currently allowed (2) by the Planned Development zoning.
This item was before P&Z not too long ago, and 7-11 withdrew to make changes to things P&Z objected. And they did. They improved the "look" as they were asked.
HOWEVER, some of our more central planning minded and micromanaging commissioners have once again put up a roadblock to progress.
Some of the new objections from some commissioners:
-A DVD rental kiosk designed to be outside located outside
-Propane rental located outside (Unlawful to locate anywhere else, but who cares, amiright?)
-An ice machine located outside (The stupid is strong with this one)
-Anything located outside - (Only low-life jerks like things displayed outside, I guess.)
-7-11 (Opposed just cuz)
-6 pumps because there are already enough pumps on 3097 (!!!)
Some of the objections from the Fox Chase HOA (1 of only 4 neighborhoods at that corner):
-Kids will cross 3097 to get to the 7-11. Why was there no opposition to the crosswalk that was painted there as well? AND, people (including kids) already cross 3097 to get to the Park at Fox Chase. I am unaware of ANY incident/accident ever happening at that intersection. But, people do like to use false claims of unsafe conditions to get their way.
Did I mention people cross that intersection all day long?
-People will buy alcohol and take it to the park. By people, I think they mean "those" people at Lake Rockwall Estates. Also, it is unlawful to drink any alcohol in any park in the city. Well, except the Harbor, the "Outdoor Entertainment Area" that isn't a park which is just an area that is used for entertainment outdoors.
-There will be an increase in traffic. I assume they don't mean people who drive passed that intersection already, and instead they mean people all over Rockwall will pass several convenience stores already in town and go way out of their way just to use this 7-11. Plus, there is no traffic light and that will further increase the traffic problem because people will line up for miles and miles just to get a Big Gulp.
-There will be lights. Similar to the bevy of lights at the Hospital right next door?!?
The Hospital likes the idea and supports the idea. They would love to have a convenient convenience store.
Rob Whittle (developer) noted that the plan for this area was done in 1986, and has turned out better than envisioned. The plan for that corner has always been for a convenience store. There is also a plan to put a retail center around the 7-11.
After 2 dead-locked votes of 3-3 (Minth, Stubbs and Buchanan were the anti-business side, while Chairman Hunter, Vice Chairman Herbst, and Jackson were the pro-business side.)
Mr Hayes was absent, hence the deadlock. A motion to table until next meeting was passed.
Rocwkall may have the "most pro-business council ever seen" as I was once told, but this action by P&Z sure doesn't reflect that.
Even it passes, what will that really mean? More sales tax and property tax for the city? Maybe the-anti business commissioners are right, we can always use rainbows and unicorns to pay for needed services.
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