III. Proclamations.
1. Taylor Lipsett Day. City recognized the achievements of paralympian, Taylor Lipsett. He showed the mayor his gold medal, which the mayor passed around council. Surprisingly, no one on council spent 30 minutes grandstanding - they saved that for later.
After the presentation, the mayor told Mr Lipsett and his entourage that they were welcome to stay for the rest of the meeting. They left. (Must have been to council before?)
IV. Consent Agenda.
None pulled. The 2nd reading of speed limit change for 3097/Horizon Rd. Still don't know what the change is. They must be lowering it to match the speed of the majority of drivers who like to go 20 mph under the posted speed limit. (That is when heading south, they like to go 20 mph over when heading north, guess they think that makes it even.)
V. Appointments.
1. P&Z Vice Chair Phillip Herbst talked about the site plans and public hearing items on tonights agenda. P&Z recommended approval of SUP's for 2 antique stores, so long as they don't have any outside displays. Concern about the stores the stores looking too much like an antique store and such.
They did not approve a request by Olive Garden to use fake stone over natural stone. The only fakeness allowed, is the authenticity of the food.
2. Resident wants to build a shade structure on the take-line. Weird restrictions by city of Dallas prevent things from being built below certain a certain sea level. (438ft) Dallas has to get involved and approve.
There were concerns that the structure, which is smaller than a gazebo which the city allows without begging, being built would hinder views that a gazebo (which he wouldn't have to come to council and beg) would obstruct. The question is only in regards to the city of Dallas restriction of being built below a certain sea level.
Of course, this doesn't stop council from getting involved to address issues that didn't exist until they magically appeared in their heads.
3. A rep for the downtown shops has some concerns. Not enough parking, and the parking that does exist, no lights. People can't cross Fanin street, cars come too fast. More planters and benches, or move the ones that are there. Black street lights would be better than bronze street lights. Trippy. Lots more Christmas decorations. (Presumably during Christmas.)
Council mentioned that many of the concerns were already being discussed and are in planning stages. Council not getting people directly affected involved in the planning stages of a project? Unpossible.
Kind of a long discussion, would have been shorter if there wasn't an open seat for the Mayor's race next year...
VI. Public Hearings.
1. 1st antique store. Lady won't have any outside displays, doesn't want to have outside displays, and even if she did want either, she wouldn't be allowed.
Council approved 7-0.
2. 2nd antique store. Pretty much same as before, except this applicant finds out at the last minute that she won't have anywhere for her customers to parking, nor anyplace to accept deliveries. The owners of the parking lot behind her shop sent a letter to council stating such.
One of the mayoral candidates, wanting to appear as the great moral arbiter, proposed postponing the request until the parking situation which has nothing to do with the city could be worked out.
The current mayor smartly suggested passing the 1st reading and allowing it to move forward so as not to delay the desired opening date of July 15.
17 hours later with the issue so fart pounded into the ground that Australians were now involved, they passed first reading of the ordinance, 7-0.
Mayor Cecil then spent 10 minutes letting non-regulars to the meeting know that the council likes to move meetings along quickly. Guess I missed those.
VIII. Action Items.
1. City starting process to take over the cemetery along 205. Passes 7-0.
Back to VI. Public Hearings.
3. Bunch of code/ordinance "clean up". passes 7-0.
VIII. Site Plans/Plats.
1. The undeveloped area around Best Buy is about to be developed. Yay.
Developers want some variances for the architectural requirements.
Power point.
Some of the new stores coming in: Home Goods, Joann, Freebirds, Vitamin Shoppe, SmashBurger, another secret tenant, and Olive Garden. (<-- WARNING don't click if very easily offended)
Councilman Scott (in one of his blind squirrel finding a nut moments) asked the developer if they could get a Chuy's and Dairy Queen. (Attention U-haulers - we had one, closed long time ago.)
Chuy's passed, DQ not asked.
He also asked about a clock tower that no one remembered.
The Olive Garden rep then presented to council samples of the fake stone they want to use on the facade. Council liked.
Both variances approved 7-0.
Saturday, June 26, 2010
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David, I am confused. Did Olive Garden have their fake stone approved or not? Thanks for the summation of the meeting.