1. A representative from RISD briefly talked about the strategic plan devised by a 156 member committee. She didn't get into details of the report, but I can imagine it read something like: "blah blah blah, spend tons of cash, tax tax tax, it's for the children."
IV. Consent Agenda.
#6 (regarding one of the SUP's for a new antique store) was pulled and didn't need to be.
All were eventually approved 7-0.
V. Appointments.
1. Fella that wants to break the world record for giant work out session at the harbor was back asking for half the money he wanted before - this time "only" $2500.00.
Mayor Pro Tem Farris gave mad props to Councilman Russo for bringing the "Fit City" initiative to Rockwall and made a motion to support the request.
It is slightly possible the city could get the money back if the fund raising goals are met. The organizers wanted to give any leftover money to the Boys and Girls club, which Councilman Farris thought acceptable. (Was not a staff recomendation, but the idea was entertained to amend the motion.)
Councilman Sweet expressed he would not support the motion as not a wise expenditure of taxpayer money, nor should any leftover city money go to a non-profit.
Councilman Sevier also did not support giving the money to a non-profit and stated that the collected Hotel/Motel Tax dollars are available for such events.
Councilman Russo dittoed the opposition of "funneling" money to a non-profit.
Mayor Pro Tem Farris re-amended the motion to remove the "funneling".
It was also argued that this would "bring economic development to the harbor". (That's polispeak for "I can't think of a better argument and no one will argue against 'economic development.'" Much like "it's for the children", "it's for health and safety", or "national security.")
Mrs Nielsen expressed that she would help find more sponsors and that this was a loan. (An unsecured loan.)
Mayor Cecil pointed out to those still opposed (with the "funneling" taken out) that they aren't willing the expend $2500 on this, but are willing to put forth $700,000 worth of bonds!
The motion passes 5-2, Councilman Sweet opposed spending yours and my tax dollars on the event.
VI. Action Items.
1. The city is going to spend $20,000 to have an on-site spay/neuter clinic at the Animal Adoption Center.
The current policy is after an adoption, the new owners have 6 months (!) to get the animal fixed. The city confirms this by having an animal control officer contact the owner and ask if they have done so. And if they haven't fixed the animal, well, they'd better - or else they might get called again.
But for an initial cost of $20,000 plus whatever it costs to have a vet come to the adoption center and perform the operation, the city will no longer have to waste man hours calling adopters for follow-up.
Motion for staff to pursue this adventure passes 7-0.
2. The all-new, comprehensive sign ordinance that staff and council recently passed after spending untold hours and months developing needs amending.
The YMCA would like to install a couple signs thanking sponsors. The city's current ordinance classifies this as off-premise advertising and it is unacceptable. The change would make it acceptable for non-profits to use some of their sign allowance showcasing the sponsors that make the operation possible.
15 minutes of rambling discussion ensued, including the concern that a church might also take advantage of this allowance, because that's what a church would do - get a corporate sponsor.
Well, maybe if this guy was the pastor:

Hilarious as usual, David. Thanks for the info.
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