Most people who don't live in HOA's agree: They Suck. That's why they choose not to move into a neighborhood with an active and established HOA. It is naive to think this governing board of busybodies will not at some point irritate you, unless you are one the governing busybodies or some wannabe tyrant licking their boots.
The city is invasive enough. Rockwall already determines so many of the tiniest deatils of how you can live at your house.
Both the city and HOA do this in the name of preserving or raising home values. The only factor in home value is someone wanting to part with hard-earned money to buy it. 15 Years ago East Dallas (near Baylor) was a slum. In the past few years, wealthy people have been moving in and without the force of law have improved the neighborhoods greatly.
Matt Scott had a public fight with his HOA. I assume he moved into the neighborhood knowing full well that there was an HOA.
He wanted the city to "do something". Without the details, I cannot say whether the city couldn't or wouldn't do ayhthing, but they didn't.
Burt Solomons (R-District 65) has introduced legislation and an ammendment to reign in HOA power. Matt Scott helped write this legislation.
Tonight the special session of council was called to determine if the city of Rockwall would officially endorse the legislation. Matt has planned to go down as a concerened citizen with or without the ciy's endorsement, or with the city's endorsement and representative of the city.
The council made some inquiries and expressed a few opposing comments, which Matt said he will disclose during the public hearing in Austin on Monday.
The council vote 6-1 in favor, Bill Cecil opposed (he didn't both sides of the issue were fairly represented, which is wierd cuz that's how I felt during annexation.)
But no one else, maybe including Matt, knew that legislation better than Bill Cecil.
I don't like HOA's. I live in a neighborhood with an HOA, but not a real one. It's been a few years since we had a meeting or "Mexican-bash-fest" as I like to call them. When three cranky old, white ladies constantly talk about "those people", the absence of blacks in the neighborhood allows one to draw some conclusions.
Now that I am a full fledged citizen (expect for that I cannot vote or run for office or have nice streets or get Tubbs finished or have the major thoroughfare widened or get the maps changed or the city limit sign or get storm drainage fixed or vote) I don't want or see any need for our HOA to even exist anymore.
Still not sure if I support or oppose the legislation, although I lean to oppose it. I usually oppose inviting legislators to do anything, they usually muck it up worse. Don't like the HOA? Don't move into a neighborhood with an effective one or get involved in a leadership role and change it. Or get one like mine: Impotent as Ukranian weightlifter from Chernobyll.
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